Source code for chat_archive.backends.telegram

# Easy to use offline chat archive.
# Author: Peter Odding <>
# Last Change: August 1, 2018
# URL:

Synchronization logic for the Telegram backend of the `chat-archive` program.

The use of this backend requires the user to register on `
<>`_ to get an :attr:`~TelegramBackend.api_id` and

# Standard library modules.
import asyncio
import os

# External dependencies.
from property_manager import lazy_property, mutable_property, required_property
from telethon import TelegramClient
from telethon.extensions.html import unparse
from verboselogs import VerboseLogger

# Modules included in our package.
from chat_archive.backends import ChatArchiveBackend
from chat_archive.models import Account, Conversation
from chat_archive.utils import ensure_directory_exists, get_secret

FRIENDLY_NAME = "Telegram"
"""A user friendly name for the chat service supported by this backend (a string)."""

# Initialize a logger for this module.
logger = VerboseLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TelegramBackend(ChatArchiveBackend): """Container for the Telegram chat archive backend."""
[docs] @required_property def api_hash(self): """ The API hash used to connect to the Telegram API (a string). The value of this property can be configured as follows: .. code-block:: ini [telegram] api-hash = ... You can use the ``api-hash-name`` configuration file option to specify the name of a secret in ``~/.password-store`` instead. """ return get_secret( options=self.config, value_option="api-hash", name_option="api-hash-name", description="Telegram API hash" )
[docs] @required_property def api_id(self): """ The API ID used to connect to the Telegram API (an integer). The value of this property can be configured as follows: .. code-block:: ini [telegram] api-id = ... You can use the ``api-id-name`` configuration file option to specify the name of a secret in ``~/.password-store`` instead. """ return int( get_secret( options=self.config, value_option="api-id", name_option="api-id-name", description="Telegram API ID" ) )
[docs] @lazy_property def client(self): """ A :class:`telethon.TelegramClient` object constructed based on :attr:`api_id`,:attr:`api_hash` and :attr:`session_file`. """ return TelegramClient(self.session_file, self.api_id, self.api_hash)
[docs] @mutable_property def session_file(self): """The filename of the session file passed to :class:`telethon.TelegramClient`.""" return os.path.join(self.archive.data_directory, "telegram", self.account_name)
[docs] def synchronize(self): """Download chat contacts and messages and store them in the local archive.""" event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() event_loop.run_until_complete(self.connect_then_sync())
[docs] async def connect_then_sync(self): """Connect to the Telegram API and synchronize the available conversations.""" # Make sure the directory with session files exists. ensure_directory_exists(os.path.dirname(self.session_file)) # Establish a connection to the Telegram API. phone_number = self.config.get("phone-number") options = dict(phone=phone_number) if phone_number else {} await self.client.start(**options) # Discover available conversations (called 'dialogs' in the Telegram API). async for dialog in self.client.iter_dialogs(): if not self.dialog_to_ignore(dialog): is_group_conversation = self.is_group_conversation(dialog) conversation_in_db = self.get_or_create_conversation(, is_group_conversation=is_group_conversation,, # In Telegram the name of a private chat is the name of # "the person on the other side" which isn't very useful # given that we store that information separately (chat # messages have a sender and recipient), this is why we # specifically ignore such names. if is_group_conversation else None, ) if not conversation_in_db.import_complete: await self.perform_initial_sync(dialog, conversation_in_db) elif > conversation_in_db.last_modified:"Conversation was updated (%s) ..", await self.update_conversation(dialog, conversation_in_db) conversation_in_db.last_modified = else:"Conversation hasn't changed (%s).",
[docs] def dialog_to_ignore(self, dialog): """ Check if this conversation should be ignored. This method exists to exclude two types of conversations: - The conversation with the "Telegram" user, because I don't consider the service messages in this conversation to be relevant to my chat archive. - Group conversations that are being synchronized as part of a different Telegram account. """ if self.is_service_dialog(dialog): logger.verbose("Skipping service dialog (%s) ..", return True elif self.is_duplicate_dialog(dialog): logger.verbose("Skipping dialog that is part of a different Telegram account (%s) ..", return True else: logger.verbose("Dialog not ignored, proceeding with synchronization (%s) ..", return False
[docs] def is_duplicate_dialog(self, dialog): """Check if the given dialog is being synchronized as part of a different Telegram account.""" return self.is_group_conversation(dialog) and bool( self.session.query( .filter(Account.backend == self.backend_name) .filter( != self.account_name) .filter( == .first() )
[docs] def is_group_conversation(self, dialog): """Determine whether the given dialog is a group conversation.""" return dialog.is_channel or dialog.is_group
[docs] def is_service_dialog(self, dialog): """Check if the given dialog is the dialog with the "Telegram" user, containing service messages.""" return dialog.is_user and dialog.entity.first_name == "Telegram" and not dialog.entity.last_name
[docs] async def perform_initial_sync(self, dialog, conversation_in_db): """Start or resume the initial synchronization.""" options = dict() oldest_message = conversation_in_db.oldest_message if oldest_message:"Resuming initial synchronization of conversation %s ..", options["max_id"] = int(oldest_message.external_id) else:"Starting initial synchronization of conversation %s ..", if dialog.is_user: # TODO Would it be better to explicitly associate contacts to conversations? self.sender_to_contact(dialog.entity) await self.download_messages(dialog, conversation_in_db, **options) conversation_in_db.import_complete = True self.archive.commit_changes()
[docs] async def update_conversation(self, dialog, conversation_in_db): """Download new messages in an existing conversation.""" min_id = int(conversation_in_db.newest_message.external_id) await self.download_messages(dialog, conversation_in_db, min_id=min_id)
[docs] async def download_messages(self, dialog, conversation_in_db, min_id=0, max_id=0): """Download messages in the given conversation.""" options = dict(max_id=max_id, min_id=min_id) async for message in self.client.iter_messages(dialog, **options): # Ignore service messages like `User X was added to chat Y'. if message.message: self.get_or_create_message( conversation=conversation_in_db,, html=unparse(message.message, message.entities), recipient=self.recipient_to_contact(message.to_id), sender=self.sender_to_contact(message.sender), text=message.message,, ) # Commit changes to disk every now and then. if self.stats.messages_added % 100 == 0: self.archive.commit_changes()
[docs] def sender_to_contact(self, user): """Create a contact in our local database for the given Telegram user.""" return self.get_or_create_contact(, first_name=user.first_name, last_name=user.last_name, )
[docs] def recipient_to_contact(self, to_id): """Create a contact in our local database for the given ``to_id`` value.""" return self.find_contact_by_external_id(to_id.user_id) if hasattr(to_id, "user_id") else None