Source code for chat_archive.backends

# Easy to use offline chat archive.
# Author: Peter Odding <>
# Last Change: July 22, 2018
# URL:

Namespace for chat archive backends.

The following chat archive backends have been implemented so far:

- Google Hangouts: :mod:`chat_archive.backends.hangouts`
- Google Talk: :mod:`chat_archive.backends.gtalk`
- Slack: :mod:`chat_archive.backends.slack`
- Telegram: :mod:`chat_archive.backends.telegram`

# External dependencies.
from property_manager import PropertyManager, lazy_property, required_property
from verboselogs import VerboseLogger

# Modules included in our package.
from chat_archive.html.redirects import RedirectStripper, strip_redirects
from chat_archive.models import Account, Contact, Conversation, EmailAddress, Message, TelephoneNumber

# Initialize a logger for this module.
logger = VerboseLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ChatArchiveBackend(PropertyManager): """Abstract base class for ``chat-archive`` backends."""
[docs] @lazy_property def account(self): """The :class:`.Account` object corresponding to :attr:`account_name` and :attr:`backend_name`.""" obj = ( self.session.query(Account) .filter(Account.backend == self.backend_name) .filter( == self.account_name) .one_or_none() ) if not obj: obj = Account(backend=self.backend_name, name=self.account_name) self.session.add(obj) self.session.flush() return obj
[docs] @required_property def account_name(self): """ The name of the chat account that is being synchronized (a string). The value of :attr:`account_name` needs to be set by the caller and is used to "get or create" the :attr:`account` object on demand. """
[docs] @required_property def archive(self): """The :class:`~chat_archive.ChatArchive` that is using this backend."""
[docs] @required_property def backend_name(self): """ The name of the chat archive backend (a short alphanumeric string). The value of :attr:`backend_name` is used to "get or create" the :attr:`account` object on demand. """
[docs] @lazy_property def config(self): """The configuration options for this backend and account (a dictionary).""" section_name = "%s:%s" % (self.backend_name, self.account_name) if section_name in self.archive.config_loader.section_names: return self.archive.config_loader.get_options(section_name) return {}
[docs] @lazy_property def external_id_cache(self): """A dictionary mapping external IDs to :class:`.Contact` objects.""" return {}
[docs] @lazy_property def redirect_stripper(self): """An :class:`.RedirectStripper` object.""" return RedirectStripper()
[docs] @lazy_property def session(self): """Shortcut for the :attr:`~chat_archive.database.DatabaseClient.session` property of :attr:`archive`.""" return self.archive.session
[docs] @required_property def stats(self): """A :class:`~chat_archive.BackendStats` object."""
[docs] def find_contact_by_attributes(self, attributes): """ Find a contact based on their external ID, an email address or a telephone number. :param attributes: A dictionary with any of the following keys: - ``external_id`` (string value) - ``email_addresses`` (list of strings) - ``telephone_numbers`` (list of strings) :returns: A :class:`.Contact` object or :data:`None`. """ for name, method, multiple_values_expected in ( ("external_id", self.find_contact_by_external_id, False), ("email_addresses", self.find_contact_by_email_address, True), ("telephone_numbers", self.find_contact_by_telephone_number, True), ): value = attributes.get(name) if value: if multiple_values_expected: # Lookup by one of the given values. for subkey in value: contact = method(subkey) if contact: return contact else: # Lookup by the given value. contact = method(value) if contact: return contact
[docs] def find_contact_by_email_address(self, value): """ Find a contact based on their email address. :param value: An email address (a string). :returns: A :class:`.Contact` object or :data:`None`. """ logger.verbose("Searching for contact by email address (%s) ..", value) return ( self.session.query(Contact) .join(Contact.email_addresses) .filter(Contact.account == self.account) .filter(EmailAddress.value == value) .one_or_none() )
[docs] def find_contact_by_external_id(self, external_id): """ Find a contact based on their 'external ID'. :param external_id: The external ID (a string). :returns: A :class:`.Contact` object or :data:`None`. This method uses :attr:`external_id_cache` to speed up lookup of contacts by their external ID. """ logger.verbose("Searching for contact by external ID (%s) ..", external_id) value = self.external_id_cache.get(external_id) if value is None: logger.verbose("Querying database for contact by external ID ..") value = ( self.session.query(Contact) .filter(Contact.account == self.account) .filter(Contact.external_id == external_id) .one_or_none() ) self.external_id_cache[external_id] = value return value
[docs] def find_contact_by_telephone_number(self, value): """ Find a contact based on their telephone number. :param value: A telephone number (a string). :returns: A :class:`.Contact` object or :data:`None`. """ logger.verbose("Searching for contact by telephone number (%s) ..", value) return ( self.session.query(Contact) .join(Contact.telephone_numbers) .filter(Contact.account == self.account) .filter(EmailAddress.value == value) .one_or_none() )
[docs] def get_or_create_contact(self, **attributes): """ Get or create a contact object. :param attributes: The names and values of model attributes, used to find existing contacts and create new ones. :returns: A :class:`.Contact` object. This method serves three distinct purposes: 1. Finding existing contacts by their 'external ID' or one of their email addresses or telephone numbers. 2. Creating new contacts (based on the given `attributes`). 3. Updating existing contacts (based on the given `attributes`). Here's an overview of supported `attributes`: - The ``external_id`` attribute (whose value is expected to be string). - The ``full_name`` attribute (whose value is expected to be string) is split into separate ``first_name`` and ``last_name`` attributes. - The attributes ``email_address`` and ``telephone_number`` (whose value is expected to be string) are converted to their plural forms ``email_addresses`` and ``telephone_numbers`` (a list of strings). """ contact = None changes_made = False # Translate 'email_address' to 'email_addresses' and 'telephone_number' # to 'telephone_numbers' as a convenience to callers that don't have # multiple email addresses or telephone numbers per contact (they can # just use the singular form and ignore the plural form). for singular, plural in (("email_address", "email_addresses"), ("telephone_number", "telephone_numbers")): if singular in attributes: singular_value = attributes.pop(singular) collection = attributes.setdefault(plural, []) if singular_value: collection.append(singular_value) # Try to find an existing contact based on their 'external ID' # or one of their email addresses or telephone numbers. with self.session.no_autoflush: contact = self.find_contact_by_attributes(attributes) # Prepare to create a new account or update an existing account. First # we split the 'full_name' attribute (if given) into separate # 'first_name' and 'last_name' attributes. if "full_name" in attributes: words = attributes.pop("full_name").split() if words: attributes["first_name"] = words.pop(0) if words: attributes["last_name"] = " ".join(words) # Remove email addresses and telephone numbers from the attributes # because they're stored in our local database as relationships instead # of columns. email_addresses = attributes.pop("email_addresses", []) telephone_numbers = attributes.pop("telephone_numbers", []) if contact: # Update the attributes of an existing contact. logger.verbose("Updating existing contact ..") for attribute_name, value in attributes.items(): value_in_db = getattr(contact, attribute_name) if value and not value_in_db: setattr(contact, attribute_name, value) changes_made = True else: # Create a new contact with the given attributes. logger.verbose("Creating new contact ..") attributes.setdefault("account", self.account) contact = Contact(**attributes) self.session.add(contact) self.session.flush()"Importing %s", contact) self.stats.contacts_added += 1 # Associate the given email addresses with the contact. for value in email_addresses: object = self.get_or_create_email_address(value) if object not in contact.email_addresses: contact.email_addresses.append(object) self.session.flush() changes_made = True # Associate the given telephone numbers with the contact. for value in telephone_numbers: object = self.get_or_create_telephone_number(value) if object not in contact.telephone_numbers: contact.telephone_numbers.append(object) self.session.flush() changes_made = True if changes_made: logger.verbose("Actually made changes to contact ..") self.stats.contacts_changed += 1 else: logger.verbose("No actual changes to contact made ..") return contact
[docs] def get_or_create_conversation(self, external_id, **attributes): """ Get or create a :class:`.Conversation` object. :param external_id: The external ID of the conversation (a string). :param attributes: Any optional attributes to set when creating a new conversation. :returns: Refer to :func:`get_or_create_object()`. """ created, object = self.get_or_create_object( model=Conversation, required=dict(account=self.account, external_id=str(external_id)), optional=attributes ) if created:"Importing %s ..", object) self.stats.conversations_added += 1 return object
[docs] def get_or_create_message(self, conversation, **attributes): """ Get or create a :class:`.Message` object. :param conversation: The :class:`.Conversation` in which the message originated. :param attributes: Any optional attributes to set when creating a new message. :returns: Refer to :func:`get_or_create_object()`. """ self.pre_process_text(attributes) # Define the lookup criteria. required = dict(conversation=conversation) if attributes.get("external_id"): # Look up existing messages by their external ID when available. required["external_id"] = attributes.pop("external_id") else: # Fall back to a lookup by sender and timestamp. required["sender"] = attributes.pop("sender") required["timestamp"] = attributes.pop("timestamp") created, object = self.get_or_create_object(model=Message, required=required, optional=attributes) if created: "Importing message by %s on %s: %s", object.sender, object.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), object.text ) self.stats.messages_added += 1 return created, object
[docs] def get_or_create_email_address(self, email_address): """ Get or create an :class:`.EmailAddress` object. :param email_address: The email address (a string). :returns: An :class:`.EmailAddress` object. """ created, object = self.get_or_create_object(model=EmailAddress, required=dict(value=email_address)) if created:"Importing %s", object) self.stats.email_addresses_added += 1 return object
[docs] def get_or_create_object(self, model, required, optional=None): """ Find an existing object in the local database or create a new object. :param model: The model to query. :param required: A dictionary with the key/value pairs that should be used to search for an existing object. :param optional: Any optional attributes to set when creating a new object. :returns: A tuple with two values: 1. :data:`True` if the object was created, :data:`False` if it already existed. 2. The object (an instance of `model`). """ new = False query = self.session.query(model) for name, value in required.items(): query = query.filter(getattr(model, name) == value) with self.session.no_autoflush: obj = query.one_or_none() if not obj: kw = {} if optional: kw.update(optional) kw.update(required) obj = model(**kw) self.session.add(obj) self.session.flush() new = True return new, obj
[docs] def get_or_create_telephone_number(self, telephone_number): """ Get or create a :class:`.TelephoneNumber` object. :param telephone_number: The telephone number (a string containing a number). :returns: A :class:`.TelephoneNumber` object. """ created, object = self.get_or_create_object(model=TelephoneNumber, required=dict(value=telephone_number)) if created:"Importing %s", object) self.stats.telephone_numbers_added += 1 return object
[docs] def have_message(self, conversation, external_id): """ Check if a message exists in the local database. :param conversation: The :class:`.Conversation` that contains the message. :param external_id: The unique id of the message (a string). :returns: :data:`True` when the message exists, :data:`False` if it doesn't. """ logger.verbose( "Checking if we know the message with conversation_id=%s and external_id=%s ..",, external_id, ) return bool( self.session.query( self.session.query(Message) .filter(Message.conversation == conversation) .filter(Message.external_id == external_id) .exists() ).scalar() )
[docs] def pre_process_text(self, attributes): """ Pre-process the text and HTML of a chat message. :param attributes: A dictionary with :class:`.Message` attributes. This method works as follows: 1. The `text` is pre-processed using :func:`.strip_redirects()`. 2. The `html` is pre-processed using :class:`.RedirectStripper`. 3. When the resulting HTML exactly equals the plain text chat message, the `html` key in `attributes` is removed. """ # Pre-process the plain text chat message. original_text = attributes["text"] modified_text = strip_redirects(original_text) if modified_text != original_text: attributes["text"] = modified_text # Pre-process the HTML chat message? original_html = attributes.get("html") if original_html: modified_html = self.redirect_stripper(original_html) if modified_html != modified_text: attributes["html"] = modified_html else: attributes.pop("html")
[docs] def synchronize(self): """This instance method must be implemented by subclasses.""" raise NotImplementedError