Source code for chat_archive.backends.slack

# Easy to use offline chat archive.
# Author: Peter Odding <>
# Last Change: July 21, 2018
# URL:

"""Synchronization logic for the Slack backend of the `chat-archive` program."""

# Standard library modules.
import datetime
import decimal
import html

# External dependencies.
from humanfriendly import Spinner
from humanfriendly.terminal import HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, ansi_wrap
from property_manager import lazy_property, mutable_property
from requests.sessions import Session
from slacker import Slacker
from verboselogs import VerboseLogger

# Modules included in our package.
from chat_archive.backends import ChatArchiveBackend
from chat_archive.html import html_to_text
from chat_archive.utils import get_secret

"""A user friendly name for the chat service supported by this backend (a string)."""

# Initialize a logger for this module.
logger = VerboseLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SlackBackend(ChatArchiveBackend): """Container for the Slack chat archive backend."""
[docs] @lazy_property def api_token(self): """The Slack API token (a string).""" return get_secret( options=self.config, value_option="api-token", name_option="api-token-name", description="Slack API token" )
[docs] @lazy_property def client(self): """A ``slacker.Slacker`` instance initialized with :attr:`api_token` and :attr:`http_session`.""" return Slacker(self.api_token, session=self.http_session)
[docs] @mutable_property def is_limited(self): """Whether result sets have been limited due to the free plan.""" return False
[docs] @lazy_property def mrkdwn_to_html(self): """An :class:`HTMLConverter` object.""" return HTMLConverter(expand_reference_callback=self.expand_reference_callback)
[docs] @lazy_property def http_session(self): """A ``requests.Session`` object used for HTTP connection re-use.""" return Session()
[docs] @lazy_property def spinner(self): """An interactive spinner to provide feedback to the user (because the Slack backend is slow).""" return Spinner()
[docs] def synchronize(self): """Download chat contacts and messages and store them in the local archive.""" with self.spinner: self.synchronize_users() self.synchronize_direct_messages() self.synchronize_channels()
[docs] def synchronize_users(self): """Download information about the users in the organization on Slack.""" logger.verbose("Synchronizing users ..") response = self.client.users.list() for user in response.body["members"]: profile = user.get("profile", {}) self.get_or_create_contact( email_address=profile.get("email"), external_id=user["id"], first_name=profile.get("first_name"), last_name=profile.get("last_name"), ) self.spinner.step(label="Synchronizing users")
[docs] def synchronize_direct_messages(self): """Download the latest direct messages from Slack.""" logger.verbose("Importing direct messages ..") response = num_ims = len(response.body["ims"]) for i, dm in enumerate(response.body["ims"], start=1): progress = "%i/%i" % (i, num_ims) logger.verbose("Synchronizing direct message channel %s (%s) ..", progress, dm["id"]) self.spinner.label = "Synchronizing direct message channel %s" % progress self.import_messages(, self.get_or_create_conversation(external_id=dm["id"], is_group_conversation=False) )
[docs] def synchronize_channels(self): """Download messages from named channels.""" response = self.client.channels.list() num_channels = len(response.body["channels"]) for i, channel in enumerate(response.body["channels"], start=1): logger.verbose("Synchronizing #%s channel (%s) ..", channel["name"], channel["id"]) self.spinner.label = "Synchronizing channel %s: %s" % ( "%i/%i" % (i, num_channels), ansi_wrap("#%s" % channel["name"], color=HIGHLIGHT_COLOR), ) self.import_messages( self.client.channels, self.get_or_create_conversation( external_id=channel["id"], is_group_conversation=True, name=("#" + channel["name"]) ), )
[docs] def import_messages(self, source, conversation_in_db): """Import the history of the given Slack channel.""" # Page backward on the initial synchronization, forward afterwards. oldest = 0 if conversation_in_db.import_complete and conversation_in_db.newest_message: oldest = conversation_in_db.newest_message.external_id logger.verbose("Searching for messages newer than %s ..", oldest) for message in self.get_history(source, conversation_in_db.external_id, oldest=oldest): # We perform a lightweight check for previously imported messages # before processing the message text to avoid unnecessary work. if not self.have_message(conversation_in_db, message["ts"]): html = self.mrkdwn_to_html(message["text"]) self.get_or_create_message( conversation=conversation_in_db, external_id=message["ts"], html=html, raw=message["text"], sender=self.get_or_create_contact(external_id=message["user"]), text=html_to_text(html), timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(message["ts"])), ) if not conversation_in_db.import_complete: conversation_in_db.import_complete = True
[docs] def get_history(self, source, channel_id, latest=None, oldest=0, page_size=100): """Get the history of the given Slack channel.""" while True: logger.verbose( "Requesting history (channel=%s, latest=%s, oldest=%s, count=%s) ..", channel_id, latest, oldest, page_size, ) self.spinner.step() response = source.history(channel=channel_id, latest=latest, oldest=oldest, count=page_size) logger.verbose("Processing response with %s message(s) ..", len(response.body["messages"])) for message in response.body["messages"]: # We use decimals instead of floats to avoid rounding errors. message_ts = decimal.Decimal(message["ts"]) if oldest != 0: # When 'oldest' is given we page forward (with an increasing value of 'oldest'). if message_ts > decimal.Decimal(oldest): oldest = message["ts"] else: # When 'oldest' isn't given we page backward (with a decreasing value of 'latest'). if latest is None or message_ts < decimal.Decimal(latest): latest = message["ts"] # Only user generated messages are import. if message["type"] == "message" and message.get("subtype") != "bot_message": self.spinner.step() yield message if not self.is_limited and response.body.get("is_limited", False): logger.notice("Conversation history is being limited by Slack's free plan.") self.is_limited = True if not response.body["has_more"]: break
[docs] def expand_reference_callback(self, external_id): """Expand a ``@reference`` to a Slack user in a chat message with the name of that user.""" contact = self.find_contact_by_external_id(external_id) return contact.unambiguous_name
[docs]class HTMLConverter(object): """ Convert Slack chat messages from mrkdwn_ format to HTML. .. _mrkdwn: """
[docs] def __init__(self, expand_reference_callback=None): """Initialize an :class:`HTMLConverter` object.""" self.expand_reference_callback = expand_reference_callback self.parse_methods = { "&": self.parse_entity, "*": self.parse_bold, "<": self.parse_reference, "_": self.parse_italic, "`": self.parse_preformatted, "~": self.parse_strike_through, }
[docs] def __call__(self, text): """ Convert a Slack chat message to HTML. :param text: The text of a Slack message (a string). :returns: The generated HTML (a string). """ output = [] self.parse_text(text, 0, len(text), output) return "".join(output)
[docs] def followed_by_alphanumeric(self, input, index, limit): """Check if the given position is followed by an alphanumeric character.""" return index + 1 < limit and input[index + 1].isalnum()
[docs] def parse_bold(self, input, index, length, output): """Parse *bold* text.""" if not self.preceded_by_alphanumeric(input, index): match = input.find("*", index + 1) if match > 0 and not self.followed_by_alphanumeric(input, match, length): output.append("<b>") nested = input[index + 1 : match] self.parse_text(nested, 0, len(nested), output) output.append("</b>") return match + 1
[docs] def parse_entity(self, input, index, length, output): """Parse an HTML entity.""" match = input.find(";", index + 1) if match > 0: output.append(input[index : match + 1]) return match + 1
[docs] def parse_italic(self, input, index, length, output): """Parse _italic_ text.""" if not self.preceded_by_alphanumeric(input, index): match = input.find("_", index + 1) if match > 0 and not self.followed_by_alphanumeric(input, match, length): output.append("<i>") nested = input[index + 1 : match] self.parse_text(nested, 0, len(nested), output) output.append("</i>") return match + 1
[docs] def parse_preformatted(self, input, index, length, output): """Parse `pre-formatted` text.""" if not self.preceded_by_alphanumeric(input, index): if index + 2 < length and input[index + 1] == "`" and input[index + 2] == "`": match = input.find("```", index + 3) if match > 0 and not self.followed_by_alphanumeric(input, match + 2, length): output.append("<pre>") nested = input[index + 3 : match].strip("\r\n") self.parse_preformatted_body(nested, 0, len(nested), output) output.append("</pre>") return match + 3 else: match = input.find("`", index + 1) if match > 0 and not self.followed_by_alphanumeric(input, match, length): output.append("<code>") nested = input[index + 1 : match] self.parse_preformatted_body(nested, 0, len(nested), output) output.append("</code>") return match + 1
[docs] def parse_preformatted_body(self, input, index, length, output): """Parse the body of a pre-formatted text fragment.""" while index < length: character = input[index] if character == "<": # Replace references with their visible text. Why does # Slack embed these in pre-formatted text?! Argh! 😋 match = input.find(">", index + 1) url, _, label = input[index + 1 : match].partition("|") output.append(html.escape(label or url, quote=False)) index = match + 1 elif character == "&": # HTML entities pass through unchanged. match = input.find(";", index + 1) output.append(input[index : match + 1]) index = match + 1 else: # Plain text is encoded as HTML. output.append(html.escape(input[index], quote=False)) index += 1
[docs] def parse_reference(self, input, index, length, output): """Parse a reference to a URL, user or channel.""" if not self.preceded_by_alphanumeric(input, index): match = input.find(">", index + 1) if match > 0 and not self.followed_by_alphanumeric(input, match, length): nested = input[index + 1 : match] url, _, label = nested.partition("|") if url.startswith("@"): # Convert internal references to bold text. url = url.lstrip("@") if self.expand_reference_callback is not None: label = self.expand_reference_callback(url) else: label = label or url output.append("<b>@%s</b>" % html.escape(label, quote=False)) else: # Convert external references to hyperlinks. output.append('<a href="%s">' % html.escape(url, quote=True)) output.append(html.escape(label or url, quote=False)) output.append("</a>") return match + 1
[docs] def parse_strike_through(self, input, index, length, output): """Parse ~strike-through~ text.""" if not self.preceded_by_alphanumeric(input, index): match = input.find("~", index + 1) if match > 0 and not self.followed_by_alphanumeric(input, match, length): output.append("<s>") nested = input[index + 1 : match] self.parse_text(nested, 0, len(nested), output) output.append("</s>") return match + 1
[docs] def parse_text(self, input, index, length, output): """Parse inline text.""" while index < length: character = input[index] method = self.parse_methods.get(character) if method: result = method(input, index, length, output) if result: index = result continue # Consume one character when no token could be matched. output.append(html.escape(character, quote=False)) index += 1
[docs] def preceded_by_alphanumeric(self, input, index): """Check if the given position is preceded by an alphanumeric character.""" return index > 0 and input[index - 1].isalnum()