Source code for chat_archive.backends.hangouts

# Easy to use offline chat archive.
# Author: Peter Odding <>
# Last Change: August 2, 2018
# URL:

"""Synchronization logic for the Google Hangouts backend of the `chat-archive` program."""

# Standard library modules.
import asyncio
import getpass
import html
import os
import time

# External dependencies.
import hangups
from hangups import Client
from hangups.auth import RefreshTokenCache, get_auth
from hangups.conversation_event import ChatMessageEvent
from hangups.hangouts_pb2 import CONVERSATION_TYPE_GROUP
from hangups.user import DEFAULT_NAME
from humanfriendly import Timer, concatenate, format_timespan, pluralize
from property_manager import PropertyManager, lazy_property, mutable_property, required_property
from verboselogs import VerboseLogger

# Modules included in our package.
from chat_archive.backends import ChatArchiveBackend
from chat_archive.utils import ensure_directory_exists, get_secret

FRIENDLY_NAME = "Google Hangouts"
"""A user friendly name for the chat service supported by this backend (a string)."""

# Initialize a logger for this module.
logger = VerboseLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HangoutsBackend(ChatArchiveBackend): """ The Google Hangouts backend for the `chat-archive` program. This backend supports the following configuration options: ================= ========================================================= Option Description ================= ========================================================= ``email-address`` The email address used to sign in to your Google account. ``password-name`` The name of a password in ``~/.password-store`` to use. ``password`` The password used to sign in to your Google account. ================= ========================================================= If you set ``password-name`` then ``password` doesn't have to be set. If ``password`` nor ``password-name`` have been set then you will be prompted for your password every time you synchronize. """
[docs] @lazy_property def bogus_user_ids(self): """A :class:`set` of strings with 'gaia_id' values of "bogus" users.""" return set()
[docs] @mutable_property def cookie_file(self): """The pathname of the ``*.json`` file with cached credentials (a string).""" return os.path.join(self.archive.data_directory, "hangouts", "%s.json" % self.account_name)
[docs] @lazy_property def client(self): """The hangups client object.""" # Make sure the directory with cached credentials exists. ensure_directory_exists(os.path.dirname(self.cookie_file)) return Client( get_auth( GoogleAccountCredentials( email_address=self.config["email-address"], password=get_secret( options=self.config, value_option="password", name_option="password-name", description="Google account password", ), ), RefreshTokenCache(self.cookie_file), ) )
[docs] @mutable_property def retry_count(self): """The number of times that a batch of messages will be requested (a number, defaults to 5).""" return 5
[docs] def synchronize(self): """Download chat contacts and messages and store them in the local archive.""" event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() event_loop.run_until_complete(self.connect_then_sync())
[docs] async def connect_then_sync(self): """Connect to the Hangouts service and start the synchronization.""" # Spawn a task for hangups to run in parallel with the coroutine. logger.verbose("Spawning task to connect ..") task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.client.connect()) # Wait for hangups to either finish connecting or raise an exception. logger.verbose("Waiting for connect task to succeed ..") on_connect = asyncio.Future() self.client.on_connect.add_observer(lambda: on_connect.set_result(None)) done, _ = await asyncio.wait((on_connect, task), return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) await asyncio.gather(*done) logger.verbose("Finished waiting for connection.") # Run the synchronization coroutine. Afterwards, disconnect hangups # gracefully and yield the hangups task to handle any exceptions. try: # Get the user and conversation lists. logger.verbose("Building user / conversation list ..") user_list, conversation_list = await hangups.build_user_conversation_list(self.client) self.download_all_contacts(user_list) await self.download_all_conversations(conversation_list) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass finally: logger.verbose("Disconnecting ..") await self.client.disconnect() await task
[docs] def download_all_contacts(self, user_list): """Download contact details from Google Hangouts.""" for user in user_list.get_all(): if self.is_bogus_user(user): self.bogus_user_ids.add(user.id_.gaia_id) else: self.get_or_create_contact( email_addresses=user.emails, external_id=user.id_.gaia_id, full_name=user.full_name )
[docs] async def download_all_conversations(self, conversation_list): """Download conversations from Google Hangouts.""" timer = Timer() for conversation in conversation_list.get_all(include_archived=True): try: await self.download_conversation(conversation) except Exception: logger.warning("Skipping conversation due to synchronization error ..", exc_info=True) self.stats.failed_conversations += 1 summary = [] if self.stats.conversations_added > 0: summary.append(pluralize(self.stats.conversations_added, "conversation")) if self.stats.messages_added > 0: summary.append(pluralize(self.stats.messages_added, "message")) if summary:"Added %s in %s.", concatenate(summary), timer) else:"No new conversations or messages found (took %s to check).", timer) if self.stats.failed_conversations > 0: logger.warning( "Skipped %s due to synchronization %s!", pluralize(self.stats.failed_conversations, "conversation"), "errors" if self.stats.failed_conversations > 1 else "error", ) if self.stats.skipped_conversations > 0: logger.notice( "Skipped %s due to previous synchronization %s! (use --force to retry %s)", pluralize(self.stats.skipped_conversations, "conversation"), "errors" if self.stats.skipped_conversations > 1 else "error", "them" if self.stats.skipped_conversations > 1 else "it", )
[docs] async def download_conversation(self, conversation): """Download a single Google Hangouts conversation.""" # Remove the timezone from the last modified date to enable equality # comparison with the values we get back from the database. last_modified = conversation.last_modified.replace(tzinfo=None) logger.verbose("Checking if we know conversation (%s) ..", conversation.id_) conversation_in_db = self.get_or_create_conversation( external_id=conversation.id_, import_complete=False, is_group_conversation=(conversation._conversation.type == CONVERSATION_TYPE_GROUP), last_modified=last_modified, import_errors=False, ) if conversation_in_db.import_errors and not self.archive.force: logger.verbose("Skipping conversation with synchronization errors (use --force to override).") self.stats.skipped_conversations += 1 elif conversation_in_db.import_complete: logger.verbose("Checking if conversation has been updated ..") if last_modified > conversation_in_db.last_modified:"Conversation has updates available.") await self.handle_import_errors(conversation, conversation_in_db) conversation_in_db.last_modified = last_modified else: logger.verbose("Skipping conversation without updates.") else: await self.perform_initial_sync(conversation, conversation_in_db)
[docs] async def perform_initial_sync(self, conversation, conversation_in_db): """Perform the initial synchronization to the start of a conversation.""" oldest_message = conversation_in_db.oldest_message if oldest_message:"Resuming initial synchronization of conversation ..") await self.handle_import_errors(conversation, conversation_in_db, oldest_message.external_id) else:"Starting initial synchronization of conversation ..") await self.handle_import_errors(conversation, conversation_in_db) # Mark a successful synchronization (all the way to the start # of the conversation) and commit the results to disk. conversation_in_db.import_complete = True self.archive.commit_changes()
[docs] async def handle_import_errors(self, conversation, conversation_in_db, event_id=None): """Download messages in a conversation, handling synchronization errors.""" try: with self.stats: await self.download_all_messages(conversation, conversation_in_db, event_id) except Exception: # Remember that we encountered a synchronization error for this conversation. conversation_in_db.import_errors = True # Propagate the exception to the caller. raise else: # Forget about previous synchronization errors. conversation_in_db.import_errors = False
[docs] async def download_all_messages(self, conversation, conversation_in_db, event_id=None): """Download the messages in a specific Hangouts conversation.""" while True: downloaded_messages = [] new_messages = [] # Filter out message types that we're not interested in. for event in await self.download_message_batch(conversation, event_id): if isinstance(event, ChatMessageEvent): downloaded_messages.append(event) else: logger.verbose("Ignoring unsupported message type (%s) ..", type(event)) # Process the messages in reverse chronological order because this # is how the Google Hangouts API works and staying as consistent # as possible with that should guarantee that we don't cause gaps. for event in sorted(downloaded_messages, key=lambda e: event.timestamp, reverse=True): attributes = dict( conversation=conversation_in_db, external_id=event.id_, html=self.get_message_html(event), text=event.text, timestamp=event.timestamp, ) # Messages from unknown senders (without unique identification) # are stored in the local database without an associated contact. if event.user_id.gaia_id not in self.bogus_user_ids: attributes["sender"] = self.find_contact_by_external_id(event.user_id.gaia_id) created, message = self.get_or_create_message(**attributes) if created: new_messages.append(message) if not new_messages: return # Continue searching for older messages based on the event id # of the oldest message in the set of new messages that we've # just downloaded. new_messages = sorted(new_messages, key=lambda m: m.timestamp) event_id = new_messages[0].external_id logger.verbose("Searching for new messages older than %s ..", event_id) # Commit every set of newly downloaded chat messages to disk # immediately, so that we don't have to download messages more # than once when we crash due to rate limiting or other API # errors emitted by the Hangouts API. self.archive.commit_changes() # FIXME Poor man's rate limiting :-)."Sleeping for a second ..") time.sleep(1)
[docs] async def download_message_batch(self, conversation, event_id): """Try to download a batch of messages (retrying according to :attr:`retry_count`).""" back_off = 0.5 for request_nr in range(1, self.retry_count): try: logger.verbose( "Attempt %i/%i: Requesting messages in conversation (%s) before given message id (%s) ..", request_nr, self.retry_count, conversation.id_, event_id, ) return await conversation.get_events(event_id=event_id) except hangups.exceptions.NetworkError: if request_nr < self.retry_count: logger.notice( "Attempt %i/%i: Sleeping for %s before retrying failed request ..", request_nr, self.retry_count + 1, format_timespan(back_off), ) time.sleep(back_off) back_off = min(back_off * 2, 10) else: logger.warning("Giving up on conversation after %i failed requests!", request_nr) raise
[docs] def get_message_html(self, event): """Get the formatted text of a chat message as HTML.""" html_message = [] for segment in event.segments: text = html.escape(segment.text, quote=False) if segment.is_bold: text = "<b>%s</b>" % text if segment.is_italic: text = "<i>%s</i>" % text if segment.is_strikethrough: text = "<s>%s</s>" % text if segment.is_underline: text = "<u>%s</u>" % text if segment.link_target: href = html.escape(segment.link_target, quote=True) text = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (href, text) html_message.append(text) return "".join(html_message)
[docs] def is_bogus_user(self, user): """Ignore default / unknown users made up by :mod:`hangups`.""" if user.full_name == DEFAULT_NAME: logger.verbose("Ignoring default user (based on name %r) ..", DEFAULT_NAME) return True elif not user.id_.gaia_id: logger.verbose("Ignoring user without unique id (missing 'gaia_id') ..") return True else: return False
[docs]class GoogleAccountCredentials(PropertyManager): """Used to non-interactively provide Google Account credentials to :mod:`hangups`."""
[docs] @required_property def email_address(self): """The Google account email address (a string)."""
[docs] @required_property def password(self): """The Google account password (a string)."""
[docs] def get_email(self): """Feed the configured :attr:`email_address` to :mod:`hangups`.""" return self.email_address
[docs] def get_password(self): """Feed the configured :attr:`password` to :mod:`hangups`.""" return self.password
[docs] def get_verification_code(self): """Prompt the operator for a verification code.""""Please provide 2FA code to login to your Google account ..") return getpass.getpass("Verification code: ")