Source code for chat_archive.models

# Easy to use offline chat archive.
# Author: Peter Odding <>
# Last Change: July 22, 2018
# URL:

Database models for the `chat-archive` program based on SQLAlchemy_.

The :mod:`chat_archive.models` module defines the following database models for
the `chat-archive` program:

- :class:`Account`
- :class:`Contact`
- :class:`Conversation`
- :class:`EmailAddress`
- :class:`Message`
- :class:`TelephoneNumber`

# External dependencies.
from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, Index, Integer, MetaData, String, Table, UnicodeText, func
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session

# Public identifiers that require documentation.
__all__ = (

metadata = MetaData(
"""Define an explicit naming convention to simplify future database migrations."""

Base = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)
"""The base class for declarative models."""

address_mapping = Table(
    Column("contact_id", Integer, ForeignKey("")),
    Column("address_id", Integer, ForeignKey("")),
"""Mapping table for many-to-many relationship between contacts and email addresses."""

telephone_number_mapping = Table(
    Column("contact_id", Integer, ForeignKey("")),
    Column("telephone_number_id", Integer, ForeignKey("")),
"""Mapping table for many-to-many relationship between contacts and telephone numbers."""

[docs]class Account(Base): """Database model for chat accounts.""" __tablename__ = "accounts" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) """The primary key of the account (an integer).""" backend = Column(String(50), index=True, nullable=False) """The name of the backend that manages this account (a string).""" name = Column(String(50), index=True, nullable=False) """A user defined name for the account (a string).""" contacts = relationship("Contact", back_populates="account") """The contacts that have been imported using this account.""" conversations = relationship("Conversation", back_populates="account") """The conversations that have been imported using this account.""" @property def name_is_significant(self): """ :data:`True` if the database contains multiple accounts with this :attr:`backend`, :data:`False` otherwise. """ session = Session.object_session(self) count_query = session.query(func.count( == self.backend) return count_query.scalar() > 1
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Render a human friendly representation of an :class:`Account` object.""" return friendly_repr(self, "id", "backend", "name")
[docs] def __str__(self): """Render a human friendly representation of an :class:`Account` object.""" return "%s (%s)" % (, self.backend)
[docs]class EmailAddress(Base): """Database model for email addresses of chat contacts.""" __tablename__ = "email_addresses" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) """The primary key of the email address (an integer).""" value = Column(String, index=True, nullable=False, unique=True) """The email address itself (a string)."""
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Render a human friendly representation of an :class:`EmailAddress` object.""" return friendly_repr(self, "id", "value")
[docs] def __str__(self): """Render a human friendly representation of an :class:`EmailAddress` object.""" return self.value
[docs]class TelephoneNumber(Base): """Database model for telephone numbers of chat contacts.""" __tablename__ = "telephone_numbers" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) """The primary key of the telephone number (an integer).""" value = Column(String, nullable=False, unique=True) """The telephone number itself (a string)."""
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Render a human friendly representation of an :class:`TelephoneNumber` object.""" return friendly_repr(self, "id", "value")
[docs] def __str__(self): """Render a human friendly representation of an :class:`TelephoneNumber` object.""" return self.value
[docs]class Contact(Base): """Database model for chat contacts.""" __tablename__ = "contacts" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) """The primary key of the contact (an integer).""" account_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, index=True, nullable=False) """A foreign key to associate contacts with accounts.""" external_id = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True) """An optional backend specific identifier for contacts (an opaque string or :data:`None`).""" first_name = Column(String, nullable=True) """The contact's first name (a string or :data:`None`).""" last_name = Column(String, nullable=True) """The contact's last name (a string or :data:`None`).""" account = relationship(Account, back_populates="contacts") """The account that this contact belongs to (an :class:`Account` object).""" email_addresses = relationship(EmailAddress, secondary=address_mapping) """The email addresses of this contact.""" telephone_numbers = relationship(TelephoneNumber, secondary=telephone_number_mapping) """The telephone numbers of this contact.""" sent_messages = relationship("Message", back_populates="sender", foreign_keys="Message.sender_id") """The chat messages that were sent by this contact.""" received_messages = relationship("Message", back_populates="recipient", foreign_keys="Message.recipient_id") """The chat messages that were received by this contact.""" @property def first_name_is_unambiguous(self): """:data:`True` if this first name unambiguously refers to a single contact, :data:`False` otherwise.""" if self.first_name: first_name = func.coalesce(Contact.first_name, "") last_name = func.coalesce(Contact.last_name, "") full_name = first_name + " " + last_name query = Session.object_session(self).query(full_name).filter(Contact.first_name == self.first_name) return len(set(row[0] for row in query)) == 1 else: return False @hybrid_property def full_name(self): """The full name of the contact (a string).""" return ((self.first_name or "") + " " + (self.last_name or "")).strip() @full_name.expression def full_name(self): """The full name of the contact (as an SQL expression).""" return self.first_name + " " + self.last_name @property def unambiguous_name(self): """The shortest unambiguous name of the contact (a string or :data:`None`).""" return (self.first_name if self.first_name_is_unambiguous else self.full_name) or "Unknown"
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Render a human friendly representation of a :class:`Contact` object.""" return friendly_repr( self, "id", "account_id", "external_id", "full_name", "email_addresses", "telephone_numbers" )
[docs] def __str__(self): """Render a human friendly representation of a :class:`Contact` object.""" if self.first_name or self.last_name: return self.full_name for email_address in self.email_addresses: return email_address.value return "unknown contact"
[docs]class Conversation(Base): """Database model for chat conversations.""" __tablename__ = "conversations" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) """The primary key of the conversation (an integer).""" account_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, index=True, nullable=False) """A foreign key to associate conversations with accounts.""" external_id = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True) """An optional backend specific identifier for conversations (an opaque string or :data:`None`).""" name = Column(String, nullable=True) """An optional name for the conversation (a string or :data:`None`).""" last_modified = Column(DateTime, nullable=True) """The time when the conversation was last modified (a :class:`~datetime.datetime` value or :data:`None`).""" import_complete = Column(Boolean(name="import_complete"), default=False) """Whether the full conversation has been imported (a boolean, defaults to :data:`False`).""" import_errors = Column(Boolean(name="import_errors"), default=False) """Whether errors were encountered during the import (a boolean, defaults to :data:`False`).""" is_group_conversation = Column(Boolean(name="is_group_conversation"), default=False) """Whether the conversation is a group conversation (a boolean, defaults to :data:`False`).""" account = relationship(Account, back_populates="conversations") """The account that this conversation belongs to (an :class:`Account` object).""" messages = relationship("Message", back_populates="conversation", order_by="Message.timestamp") """The chat messages that belong to this conversation.""" @property def have_unknown_senders(self): """Whether this conversation includes messages from unknown senders (a boolean).""" return bool( Session.object_session(self) .query(Message) .filter(Message.conversation == self) .filter(Message.sender == None) .first() ) @property def newest_message(self): """The newest message in the conversation (a :class:`Message` object or :data:`None`).""" return ( Session.object_session(self) .query(Message) .filter(Message.conversation == self) .order_by(Message.timestamp.desc()) .first() ) @property def oldest_message(self): """The oldest message in the conversation (a :class:`Message` object or :data:`None`).""" return ( Session.object_session(self) .query(Message) .filter(Message.conversation == self) .order_by(Message.timestamp.asc()) .first() ) @property def participants(self): """The :class:`Contact` objects that have participated in this conversation.""" session = Session.object_session(self) senders = session.query(Contact).join(Contact.sent_messages).filter(Message.conversation_id == recipients = session.query(Contact).join(Contact.received_messages).filter(Message.conversation_id == return senders.union(recipients).all()
[docs] def delete_messages(self): """Delete existing chat messages in the conversation.""" session = Session.object_session(self) for message in self.messages: session.delete(message) self.import_complete = False
[docs] def __str__(self): """Render a human friendly representation of a :class:`Contact` object.""" if return "conversation %s (%s)" % (self.external_id, else: return "conversation %s" % self.external_id
[docs]class Message(Base): """ Database model for chat messages. Note that the :class:`Message` model doesn't have a direct relationship to the :class:`Account` model because these two models already have an indirect relationship via the :class:`Conversation` model (in other words, messages are implicitly namespaced to accounts via conversations). """ __tablename__ = "messages" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) """The primary key of the chat message (an integer).""" external_id = Column(String, index=True, nullable=True) """An optional backend specific identifier for chat messages (an opaque string or :data:`None`).""" timestamp = Column(DateTime, index=True, nullable=False) """The timestamp of the chat message (a :class:`~datetime.datetime` value).""" conversation_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, index=True, nullable=False) """A foreign key to associate chat messages with conversations.""" sender_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, index=True, nullable=True) """A foreign key that points to the contact who sent this message (an integer or :data:`None`).""" recipient_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, index=True, nullable=True) """A foreign key that points to the contact who received this message (an integer or :data:`None`).""" raw = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=True) """ The raw message text in a backend specific format (a string or :data:`None`). The reason that this field was added to the database schema is because the Slack backend emits chat messages in the somewhat peculiar mrkdwn_ format which is "almost but not quite" human readable (in my opinion). When the Slack backend imports a new message, the following steps take place: 1. The original message text is stored without any modifications in the :attr:`raw` column. 2. A custom mrkdwn_ parser developed for the `chat-archive` program is used to convert :attr:`raw` to :attr:`html` (during the import). 3. The value of :attr:`html` is used to generate the value of :attr:`text` (during the import). If this surprises you: I could have developed a second mrkdwn converter with a different output format, but that's 150 lines of code I don't care to repeat and :func:`~chat_archive.html.html_to_text()` works fine for this purpose 😇. If the custom mrkdwn_ parser (which is bound to contain bugs) receives bug fixes in a new release of the `chat-archive` program then :attr:`raw` values can be used to regenerate :attr:`text` and :attr:`html` values. .. _mrkdwn: """ text = Column(UnicodeText, index=True, nullable=False) """ The human readable plain text of the chat message (a string). This field cannot be :data:`None` (``NULL``) and is expected to always contain a nonempty chat message text. This field is used during searches and when ``chat-archive --colors=never`` is run. """ html = Column(UnicodeText, index=False, nullable=True) """ The formatted text of the chat message (a string or :data:`None`). When a chat message doesn't contain text formatting or hyperlinks :attr:`html` will be :data:`None` and :attr:`text` should be used instead. This field will be used when ``chat-archive --color=yes`` is run. """ conversation = relationship(Conversation, back_populates="messages") """The conversation that this chat message took place in (a :class:`Conversation` object or :data:`None`).""" sender = relationship(Contact, back_populates="sent_messages", foreign_keys="Message.sender_id") """The contact that sent the message (a :class:`Contact` object or :data:`None`).""" recipient = relationship(Contact, back_populates="received_messages", foreign_keys="Message.recipient_id") """The contact that received the message (a :class:`Contact` object or :data:`None`).""" @property def newer_messages(self): """Newer messages in the conversation (not yet sorted!).""" return ( Session.object_session(self) .query(Message) .filter(Message.conversation == self.conversation) .filter(Message.timestamp >= self.timestamp) .filter( != ) @property def next_message(self): """The next message in the conversation (or :data:`None`).""" return self.newer_messages.order_by(Message.timestamp).first() @property def older_messages(self): """Older messages in the conversation (not yet sorted!).""" return ( Session.object_session(self) .query(Message) .filter(Message.conversation == self.conversation) .filter(Message.timestamp <= self.timestamp) .filter( != ) @property def previous_message(self): """The previous message in the conversation (or :data:`None`).""" return self.older_messages.order_by(Message.timestamp.desc()).first()
[docs] def find_distance(self, other_message): """Compute the distance between two messages.""" return ( Session.object_session(self) .query(func.count( .filter(Message.conversation == self.conversation) .filter(Message.timestamp > min(self.timestamp, other_message.timestamp)) .filter(Message.timestamp < max(self.timestamp, other_message.timestamp)) .scalar() )
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Render a human friendly representation of a :class:`Message` object.""" return friendly_repr(self, "id", "timestamp", "sender", "recipient", "text")
[docs] def __str__(self): """Render a human friendly representation of a :class:`Message` object.""" if self.sender and self.text: return "message by %s on %s: %s" % (self.sender, self.timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), self.text) else: return "message: %s" % self.text
# When rendering search results the gathering of context (surrounding chat # messages) is a rather slow process. The following composite index is # intended to speed things up a bit. For details about composite indexes # in SQLite please refer to Index("ix_messages_conversation_id_timestamp", Message.conversation_id, Message.timestamp) def friendly_repr(obj, *attributes): """Render a human friendly representation of a database model instance.""" values = [] for name in attributes: try: value = getattr(obj, name, None) if value is not None: values.append("%s=%r" % (name, value)) except Exception: pass return "%s(%s)" % (obj.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(values))